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Test językowy do podręcznika FCE Tests with Guidance

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Przygotowując uczniów do matury pisemnej z języka angielskiego na poziomie rozszerzonym, postanowiłam wykorzystać materiały z podręcznika ‘First Certificate
Practice Tests with Guidance’ autorstwa Jennie Henderson i Stuart Reid (Series Editor:
Sue O’Connel) wydanego przez wydawnictwo Nelson w 1993.
Jest to pozycja nieco zapomniana, gdyż przygotowywała do poprzedniej wersji egzaminu FCE. Pomimo starego i zmienionego układu testów podręcznik doskonale nadaje się do ćwiczeń na rozumienie tekstu słuchanego (Arkusz I), czytanego (Arkusz II),
oraz rozpoznawania struktur leksykalno-gramatycznych (Arkusz III). Nie brakuje też tematów do wypowiedzi pisemnej (Arkusz III).
Zachęcam Państwa do ponownego sięgnięcia po ten podręcznik, a poniżej zamieszczam test końcowy z całości materiału.
Życzę powodzenia i sukcesów osiąganych przez uczniów na maturze.

Fill in the gaps with one word
1. The old woman didn’t say a word but only ……… her head in agreement.
2. He is planning to go ……… business.
3. There is no ……… of promotion.
4. The show was cancelled ……… to the sudden illness of the leading actor.
5. He ……… to get to Amsterdam.
6. His life of a robber started ……… he robbed a bank ……… £ 800.
7. ……… that you never use your bike, can I borrow it ?
8. Tom was offering a ……… of £ 50 to the person who found his lost cat.
9. The original stone, which was ……… larger was discorered in India.
10. The precious diamond is admired by thousands of ……… to the museum.
11. Your luggage ……… thirty kilos.
12. I am very grateful ……… your help.
13. The knife is too ……… to cut the meat.
14. I felt sorry ……… Judy.
15. People ……… easily afford a ball point pen.
16. The brothers ……… Hungary before the outbreak of the second world war.
17. After nine lectures the she was unable to take ……… any more facts.
18. During the storm huge ……… crashed down onto the beach.
19. It ……… a year to ride from one end to the other and back.
20. This great man was a man of considerable political skill ……… well.

Choose Correct words
1. When I first saw the new student he ……… of my brother.
a) reminded b) remembered c) recorded d) recalled
2. My grandma sold ……… old furniture.
a) many b) a lot of c) all d) several
3. This product has been fully ……… for safety.
a) applied b) tired c) tested d) proved
4. Mr Cox couldn’t come to work because her son has gone ……… a mysterious illness.
a) in for b) out with c) off to d) down with
5. ‘Jucee’ contains both ……… and artificial flavourings.
a) pure b) natural c) ordinary d) simple
6. Would you mind ……… me your camera?
a) lending b) borrowing c) hiring d) offering
7. The town is situated on a hill ……… two river.
a) between b) among c) within d) inside
8. The sign says ‘ No ……… beyond this point’
a) transport b) vehicles c) carnages d) motors
9. The customer asked if she could pay ……… a cheque.
a) by b) on c) through d) with
10. Plans to publish the book fell ………
a) through b) away c) behind d) out

Form words from the ones in brackets
1. The bridge will be closed for a month while workmen (wide) ……… the road.
2. The duty of the police is the (maintain) ……… of law and order.
3. My mother (courage) ……… me to take this examination.
4. Our tomatoes are (ripe) ……… nicely, soon they’ll be ready to eat.
5. Donna is left (hand) ……… .
6. Susan is very (sensation) ……… to other people’s problems.
7. Cigars are made of the (dry) ……… leaves of the tabacco plant.
8. In India the average monthly (rain) ……… is over 200 mm.
9. ‘Matura’ exam is always a (memory) ……… experience.
10. The prince showed great (wise) ……… and concern for this people.

Finish the paraphrases
1. We haven’t visited the museum before.
This is ……
2. In spite of his injury, he finished the race.
Although ………
3. The knives became rusty because of the damp air.
The damp air ………
4. The guide advised us not to leave any money in the hotel.
The guide said ………
5. If the firm does not receire payment soon, the deal is off.
Unless ………
6. ‘Can you repair my watch?’, I asked.
I asked if I ………
7. The suitcase is so light that a child could carry it.
The suitcase is ………
8. You must be eighteen in order to vote.
You cannot ………
9. The public can visit this palace.
This palace is open ………
10. They didn’t have much time to look around the city.
They only ………

If necessary, cross out incorrect words
1. I’ve just heard an interesting news.
2. Crossing a busy street can be a problem for elderly people.
3. Most people now accept that the smoking damages your health.
4. The window of my room overlooks aboveb the public gardens.
5. The college doesn’t provide a lunch but light refreshment are avaitable.
6. Are you sure you have enough of money to pay for the taxi ?
7. I’m enquiring about the play “Blood Brothers”.
8. Admission to the Exhibition is free.
9. It wasn’t necessary for you to drive me to home.
10. Yes, I hope so.

1. nodded 10. visitors
2. into 11. weighs
3. chance 12. for
4. owing 13. blunt
5. managed 14. for
6. when/if 15. can
7. seeing 16. left
8. reward 17. in
9. much/even/rather 18. waves
10. visitors 19. took
11. weighs 20. as

reminded a lot of tested down with natural lending between vehicles with through

widen maintenance/~ing encouraged ripening
handed sensitive dried rainfall
memorable wisdom

1. our first visit to the museum/the first time we have visited the museum
2. he was injured, he finished
3. made knives (became) rusty/caused the knives to rust
4. it wasn’t a good idea/sensible/we shouldn’t leave
5. the firm receives payment soon/payment is received soon, the deal is off
6. could have my watch repaired
7. light enough for a child to carry
8. vote if you are less than eighteen
9. to the public
10. had a little time to look around the city

1. an
3. the
4. over
5. a
6. of
9. to

Beata Ogonowska

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